Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Waggoner's World Goes Green

A while back we purchased a money tree to help make our house a home. Since the purchase the tree has flourished with all the great care it received in our home. So since it looked like Twiggy (the name we have given the money tree) was going to be with us for a while, we decided to buy him a nice pot.
So one weekend we decided to make a trip out and purchase a pot. We ended up with two pots out of our shopping trip, but once we brought them home we discovered that neither were going to be the right size for the tree. So Twiggy remained in his plastic home, and we just sort of placed the planters around the plastic bin he was in.
Today, we decided Twiggy had suffered too long - and that we should get something to go in the other planters. So we measured Twiggy and the two planters and headed down to Home Depot. Here is what we got:

Twiggy's new home:

The new plant for our mosaic planter purchased on our earlier shopping trip:

So what to do with the second planter?
How about a berry garden?
Andrew and I are going to test are thumbs and see if they are truly green. The plant on the left is a blueberry plant, while the one on the right is a blackberry plant. The roots are soaking for the night. We will plant them tomorrow.
One last purchase: Cat Grass!
We couldn't leave Fran out of all the fun could we?
And lastly - we didn't purchase these today - they were a gift from Lindsay, but they are such a pretty color - especially with the color of our apartment, we wanted to share the picture. Absolutely lovely!


Lindsay @ said...

Hooray! The flowers look nice in the wall sconce but where are the limes?

Dust and Ashes said...

Nice. Thanks for the update.

Anonymous said...

Linds, I thought you might ask that! They didn't make the original transfer...but I may still for the laugh! :) Love you!

Anonymous said...

Like the update, looks good, could you come and help our strawberries?
Grandma B

Lindsay @ said...

I think the limes are crucial.

I'm just sayin'

Oh and I forgot to mention how relieved I am that the poor money tree finally has a proper pot. The rubbermaid bin just wasn't cutting it for me aesthetically. :)

Holly said...

Will you be needing a cat-grass-nanny over the summer? Perchance?