Monday, September 8, 2008

It's a Keeper!

On tonight's menu...Chicken Fajitas.

They were a big hit! And oh so easy! A few more easy receipts and I will have a great tax season line-up, assuming I am still cooking by that point. Note: The food pictures will start to slow down a bit as the novelty wears off. We don't have children so what are we supposed to take pictures of?
Andrew has his nose to the book - studying again, so I went around the house and took some pictures of the items we purchased for the house while on our honeymoon.

This is a hanging wall vase - you can't see the actual iron hanger, but it looks really nice.

And here is the 3 dimensional wall mounted candle holder. (Though you can't really tell it is 3 dimensional - maybe I will take a picture of it from the side and post that later - if I get really bored.)

We got them both from the same store and we couldn't be happier with the way they look. Putting things on the wall definitely helps to bring a room together - and make a house a home.


Lindsay @ said...

What are you fixing for dinner tonight? Lily and I will be over. I think just maybe if I hurry we can catch the train and be there in time.

Dust and Ashes said...

You amaze me.

The Waggoner's said...

Haha! Thanks! Don't get too excited though, Andrew and I both fell a little ill last night - I am still not certain what went wrong. What I DO know is that the chicken was fully cooked.

Mike Sharrow said...

Has the local health department given any certification of safety for the apartment? I've heard of funny things with chinese restaurants...never know with Kansans.

Anonymous said...

2 things, I'm loving the food pics/themes of your posts. Secondly, was the hanging items on the wall comment somehow directed at us, in that we've been in the house almost a year and still don't have but a couple of things on the wall. I guess we should get on that.