Tuesday, June 15, 2010

It's Gone

It was time...Andrew agreed...and an appointment was made.
I have always been pretty impulsive with my haircuts. I usually get the "itch" to cut it short. So I go in and get a cut, then a few months later when it is at that awkward length I start remembering "the good ole days" of long hair. So then I start growing my hair out - this usually lasts between a year and a half and two years - then the short hair "itch" comes back. I believe that I look better with short hair, my hair is pretty thin and rather lifeless so the additional weight of long hair tends to only make it look more lifeless. Plus I never really do anything with it...so there is no point keeping it long.
Sorry for the bad montage of photos...I went back and took a clearer after picture when I noticed most of the ones we took earlier were out of focus.
I am generally happy with it, though there was a slight bang cut, that I am not used to, so I have been pining it back, as you can see in the photo (apparently there was a wind when this picture was being taken.)


Dust and Ashes said...

Stinker. You didn't say anything about this last night. I used to go through the same thing. Long hair, short hair. Beard, no beard (at least you don't have that one). I was often referred to as Changeable Charlie. I've probably had my current "look" as long as any I've ever had now. I like the new cut, it's very cute. It looks easy to care for and should be cooler for the summer. =D

Lindsay @ 402CenterStreet.blogspot.com said...

You look more like your sister when your hair is short.
Just sayin'

Michelle said...

Dad-I meant to at one point, when it was mentioned that Grandma was getting a hair cut, but I quickly forgot. (That is part of what I did on Saturday though.)
Lindsay-I have been tempted to go shorter, but I am afrain no one would be able to tell us apart. :)