Monday, July 25, 2011

The Golden Years

Andrew and I have reached a new stage in life, we are now empty nesters…


I’ve always heard that it goes by so fast.  One week they are born – the next week college.  I guess I don’t know that Tupeck and The Notorious B.R.D. went to college necessarily, but in only one months time we went from this…

bird nesting

(picture from my sister taken July 3rd)

to this…


In less than a month – we didn’t get 18 years to prepare – I don’t know if it would have been any easier if we had…

I suppose it is time to take up new hobbies.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

New Additions

There have been a few new additions in the Waggoner household – both Andrew and I have our birthdays around this time.  I wait to open my gifts – Andrew does not.  So we both opened or gifts in the last couple days.  This year my gift was more of a “family” gift, but it is what I really wanted – a new camera!

You  may have noticed our long absence from blog-land, part of that is to do with the fact that I don’t love blogs without pictures.  Are you with me?  No one is coming here to listen to read my ramblings.

But the camera isn’t the only new addition – there are two little additions of the feathery persuasion.

Birds 001

Last month, Andrew’s mom came to visit us and attend a fiber art fair.  Over that weekend I went out to water my patio boxes – we have one box with basil and chives – a box with flowers (mini petunias and begonias) – and another with basil and cilantro parsley.  So as I was watering my flower box I heard the rapid fluttering of wings and saw a streak of grey in my near peripheral vision.

After getting over the initial shock of almost dying by bird attack, I noticed a nest with one tiny little white egg in the midst of our lush from the torrential rain storms parsley.  (As you can tell from the photos the plants loose their lushness when they go un-watered for a month.)

Birds 004

Seriously theirs are the faces only a mother morning dove can love.

Who knows how long they have been around – momma bird apparently enjoys sitting on top of them.  They made their first appearance a week ago today.  And on Sunday we saw clearly there were two of them – as we witnessed momma feeding them.

Andrew and I figure since the baby birds were born on our property in our patio box – it gives us naming rights.

So after a number of options we settled on Tupeck (reference) and The Notorious B.R.D (reference.)  Andrew has informed me that I am not allowed to name any future children we may or may not have.

As an aside how about the pictures the new camera is catching, huh?  I am no camera buff – so this is just on the auto setting, but I think the camera would make a soufflĂ© if I could only figure out the correct setting.

I didn’t have too much to take a picture of – so Andrew agreed to be my muse.

Birds 012

Then Andrew decided Fran should get in on the fun…

Birds 015

And then Fran punched him in the face – guess she didn’t want her picture taken!

Birds 016

So I put the camera away before anyone else got hurt!